

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Right now

So today, on twitter I was talking to TA members from overseas, and like, I was thinking it'd be nice to write in both Japanese and English here as much as I can.
I know there are people who do know this and there are people who don't, so I'll tell you just in case, for foreigner fans who don't live in Japan, there are rreeeaaaaalllly alot of barriers keeping them from joining TA.
They all work frantically to clear those barriers, however, and are still able to become TA members.
But still, they finally log in only to see nothing but Japanese language.
For example, when you guys open my twitter page and you're just inundated with all this english... you say "I feel lonely," or "Ayu seems distant," or "I don't understand," I'm sure there are many people who feel like this, right? All feeling the same thing.
For all the foreign TA members, I bet it's like this all the time. Maybe they're feeling sad or irritated or something too.
Of course, happiness comes first, right?☆
Well, I'm not them so I can't be totally sure of course.
But I've lately been in situations where I couldn't use any language but English, so over and over again I sense the importance of language and communication. When I'm in America, my family and friends naturally all speak English. They can't understand more than a little Japanese. If I want to share my thoughts with someone, there are no other choices available to me.
However, as far as my English goes, I didn't study it well in school, so whenever it was necessary, whenever I had a moment of emotion, I couldn't find words that the other person could understand.
Of course it's my own decision, one that I'll be dealing with, to get rid of that problem.☆ But yeah, if I just lied and said I thought it was gonna be a pretty picture, that wouldn't be honest.
So having said all this, I've got the feeling across, in conclusion, Chon-san (<-- been a long time since I called myself that) has put forth the effort to explain, and now she will be working on her English reading and writing in order to communicate with the overseas TA members yo!!
That's what I'm thinking.
They're part of the TA circle, why should they feel alienated???
Japanese TA members work desperately to achieve various things too, in order to stay here. I understand, and I'm thankful for it. There'll never be a day that I forget about it.
To put it another way, ALL of you are the same, you know! (*^_^*)
The language you may find being used at TA may change, but I'm proud of TA, the love I feel for all of you is the same! (*^^*)v
Transcending all else, all TA members all over the world, we are all one family!!
As long as I feel that, I don't need anything else. I'm happy!!!!!!!!!!
Today again, everyone should live with all their strength under the same sky (^_-)-*
And now, from everyone in the overseas team who is now falling asleep, when the moon starts to become visible, we'll pass along the smiles we give to the reassuring sunshine, ne!!