

Saturday, May 31, 2008

[225] Coming home o/~

Translation: Delirium-Zer0

I've returned~ \(^O^)/

Yeah, so now I can officially say that I've spent at least half my life in Tokyo, sure....

But in spite of that, my hometown really is my hometown!!!

What the hey, I'm giving it ∈^0^∋∈^0^∋∈^0^∋ (hugs hugs hugs)

Tomorrow, for the MC, I'm talking in nothing but Hakata-ben (*^^)v

I've always talked in Hakata-ben except when working, you know~
But I think everyone already knew that (*^_^*)

I think I have some kind of off-switch, that makes it so I don't even know standard Japanese anymore~~~~~~. Why????? (she says "Why" in english. --Deli)

Well then, tomorrow & the day after, let's go do our aaaabsoluuute best! (^_-)-*.

Everyone, look forward to it o/~

Ah, Hakata ramen.

Or not (lol)!!!

Can't wait for Marinmesse~~~~~~ (^O^)/

Although I'll be utilizing my Kyushu girl power~~~!!!

Well, as I was arriving in Fukuoka, it had started getting so rainy, I was laughing really hard at Armageddon (*_*) Later!

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