

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

[231] As expected!!!!!

Translation: Delirium-Zer0

Everyone in Nagoya was just how I thought they'd be d(^-^)NE!

From the opening, I was greeted & received with totally
high spirits. ~(^_^)v(^_^)v(^_^)v

Tomorrow, more more, let's heat up the hot show!!!!!

Then, for the 2 days in Osaka (last stop!) let's do more more more!!!
Heat it up heat it up!!!!!!!!!

Hmm well, in Yoyogi the perfect execution of the show led to burnout, I think

Everyone's sights are turned towards the last show in Japan, and everyone's fighting spirit, their spark, (even mine) is indomitable~! ∈^0^∋

Tomorrow will be awesome too~~~~~(*^_^*)

Ah, as for talking about the Countdown DVD, once I get back to Tokyo I'll slowly but surely be writing back to you on it.
So look forward to that \(^O^)/ o/~

Yup, tomorrow's gonna be a grand slam----- (`_')vvv

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