

Sunday, November 9, 2008

[312] A Message,

Translation: Delirium-Zer0

At Ameblo (Ameba Blog), CREA (my baby)'s blog has been started... (@_@; )

People have written here asking "It says Crea's Blog, is it ayu's Crea?", and it surprised me, people were trying to find out if it really was me... (*_*) ~dead~

It appears before Choco and Marron and the others.

Although I have no conection to it, this Crea blog mentions candles being around.
And me, in my house, I have all these candles everywhere.

But the blog knows that their use is restricted to winter time, too. (*sweat*)

Oh jeez, it's like I'm buying it all up & then selling it all right back again, sorry about that. (lol)

But anyway, this blog really shocked me~~~~~~~.

But then wait, who's writing the blog?


Odd conclusion to come to----------.

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